Monday, November 15, 2010

Movies, As I like It.

For the past few month's David Fincher's "The Social Network" has been slowly sneaking into countries and has been taking them by storm. As of November 12th, it found its way into India, and has the whole nation going gaga. A lot of people have already caught the movie before it found its way to Indian shores, via that Dvd Screener with that annoying yet temporary watermark.

A few have already started commenting that its oscar worthy and what not, but lets not forget its competitors shall we?

First of all this is not about who's going to take home the big golden bald man on that chilly February evening. This is what you could call a round up of all the movies that were actually worth its salt(No Pun intended there.) and also for my personal kicks, the ones people HATED.

Lets Begin Shall we?

First up.

Lets start with the social network. Now I'm not going to delve into the story cause people have already caught it and those who haven't , Wikipedia's your thing, man. The thing I liked about Social Network was the fact that it was a simple story, told brilliantly, We've seen tales of best friends stabbing each other in the back, tales of Plagiarism and teenage angst and the like. But what Fincher did was nothing short of remarkable, If you've noticed that all the courtroom scenes and the other ones are laced with electro-synth music and not your usual classical stuff. The Music gets the so called Younger Generation interested in what exactly is happening, and the elder generation in the Vermin hole, which we call the world of Corporates. Don't judge me here, but I'm saying that music DOES play a huge role in terms of storytelling. Not to mention Aaron Sorkin(who I believe makes a guest appearance as one of the New York Advertisers), who's brilliant screenplay carries the film.

I wouldn't be surprised if he walks away with Adapted Screenplay this year.

Next up we've got Inception.
If David Fincher thinks its going to be a cakewalk for him at all the Award nights, he's got another thing in the shape of Christopher Nolan coming at him.
If Fincher managed to put across a simple story in brilliant fashion, Nolan went one step ahead of him.

11 Years in writing, Inception is probably one of the most ingenious movies that Hollywood has churned out so far. After being overlooked for the brilliant The Dark Knight, Nolan returned with Inception. Whoever thought he couldn't better TDK, had to end up eating their words. Inception is not a people's movie.
Its more on the intellectual side, and when you do have a look at it you can see the effort that's been put into it. Not to mention some strong performances from DiCaprio and Gordon-Leviit(His performance is not oscar worthy man), and it grabs you by the balls and just doesn't let go until you've finally stepped out of the theater. They've been mixed reviews but if that shitball of a movie they call Avatar could win a Golden Globe for best picture, this has a very, very strong shot at the Oscar.

On the other side of the Atlantic, emerged a movie called "The King's Speech". Not many of you would've probably heard of it, but a friend of mine showed me its promos and I was just blown away. Directed by Tom Hooper, The King's Speech is about A chronicle of King George VI's effort to overcome his nervous stammer with the assistance of speech therapist Lionel Logue. With a stellar cast including Geoffrey Rush, Helena Bonham Carter and Colin Firth, this one was a sure shot at the big one, and I believe still is.

Okay that's all for now.
I'll put up another five by tomorrow night.
And Deathly Hallows has an 84% On Rotten Tomatoes. Interesting.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


It's been a while since I got down to blogging. The last time, I left a small number of people like you, hanging with that story I just couldn't get down to finishing. I passed on the baton to a friend, and he turned the whole thing upside down.

For the epic finale of that story, Check Shubham Gangopadhyay's notes On Facebook.

Due to new relationships, college, teenage angst and what not, I just could'nt get down to blogging again. Now I've decided to spend atleast an hour on this godforsaken interface every day, so I actually stay true to my word.

The Next story i'd planned to write requires a lot of research and an understanding of Hebrew and German. It'll probably take a while for me to get started on the story, so in the meantime, I've decided to go after, them movies, the ones I love , the ones I detest, the ones I detest so much that I love the fact that I detest them so much, and what not.

I'll probably start one, tonight and it should be up before the crack of dawn.

Its Good To Be Back.